SC JOHNSON Toilet Liquid 300ml

SC JOHNSON Toilet Liquid 300ml
Say goodbye to the fear of bacteria-filled bathrooms with the the SC JOHNSON Toilet Liquid! This product easily and efficiently disinfects all bathroom surfaces such as toilets, toilet seats, and walls.
There are around 200 million bacteria per square inch** on each hand after you visit the average bathroom, and even home bathrooms can become breeding grounds for infectious agents and bacteria, which can be incredibly harmful to the health and lifestyles of people all around the world.
The high concentration alcohol formula with 99.99% high disinfecting power of this product ensures cleanliness and a squeaky clean conscience. The SC JOHNSON further features a convenient usage procedure, allowing for normal toilet paper and an effortless push-pump to turn into a wet-wipe, which can clean and disinfect bathroom counters, walls, toilets, and toilet seats with ease.
** This product has around 240 uses, and is estimated to be a 3 months supply.
How To Use:
- Press down on the top of the product with clean toilet paper
- Thoroughly wipe and clean the toilet seat
- After use, simply throw the dirty paper down the toilet and flush it out through the toilet